
Date: 25 August 2023
Time: 14:30 to 17:30
Venue: Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, Brazil

14:30Opening Speech by Organisers
14:35Keynote Speech: “Business Opportunities and Innovation in the Greater Bay Area

Mr Emil Marques | Specialist in Open Innovation and Senior Lecturer at University of Saint Joseph, Macao SAR, China
15:00 Round Table Discussion | Brazil China Integration in Open Innovation – Perspectives and Challenges

Adalberto Albuquerque de Paula Pessoa – Former President of ETICE – Empresa de Tecnologia da Informação do Ceará

Mr Emil Marques, Specialist in Open Innovation and Senior Lecturer at USJ – Macau, China
Prof. Ana Cristina Barros, Curso de Administração, FEAAC/UFC – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Frederico Alencar, FEAAC/UFC – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
Mr Fabio Feijó, Executive Secretary of Commerce, Services and Innovation – Secretariat for Economic Development of the State of Ceará
Prof. Alexandre Lobo, Research Coordinator/Head of the Department of Business Administration, USJ – Macau, China
16:55Closing Speech by Organisers
17:00Refreshments and Networking

Intro Video:

Prof. Dr. Frederico Alencar
FEAAC/UFC – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil

Fábio Feijó
Executive Secretary of Commerce, Services and Innovation – Secretariat for Economic Development of the State of Ceará), Brazil

Prof. Alexandre Lobo
Research Coordinator/Head of the Department of Business Administration, University of Saint Joseph, Macao SAR, China

Prof. Ana Cristina Barros
Curso de Administração, FEAAC/UFC – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil

Adalberto Albuquerque de Paula Pessoa
Empresário do Setor TIC e Diretor para Setor Público do Instituto NEPEN, Brazil

Emil Chi Hang Ip
Specialist in Open Innovation, University of Saint Joseph, Macao SAR, China

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