
The International Symposium on Open Innovation aims to provide a platform dedicated to fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and best practices in the application of Open Innovation, focusing on the specific contexts of the Greater Bay Area and Portuguese-speaking countries, providing a unique opportunity for professionals and scholars to delve into the intricacies of Open Innovation within these regions.

Our primary goal is to facilitate meaningful discussion and exchange among a community of scholars, researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders who are deeply interested in leveraging Open Innovation as a strategic approach. By convening experts from different backgrounds, we aim to uncover valuable insights, identify emerging trends, and promote the adoption of innovative strategies in academia, industry, and beyond.

A key highlight of the Symposium is the participation of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) located Macao, China, which plays a pivotal role in sharing their pioneering research on Innovation in the Greater Bay Area with partners in Portuguese-speaking countries. This collaborative effort begins with Brazil and Portugal, where the symposiums are co-organised in conjunction with partner universities in these countries. Through such partnerships, we strive to establish an international network that facilitates the spread of Open Innovation principles across borders.

We firmly believe that Open Innovation transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences, enabling the development of breakthrough solutions and driving economic growth. Professionals and scholars will have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions, gain valuable insights, and establish meaningful connections with fellow innovators from around the world.

We invite you to join us at the International Symposium on Open Innovation and become part of a global movement that empowers communities, drives transformative change, and unlocks the true potential of Open Innovation. Together, let us explore the possibilities, exchange knowledge, and contribute to a future that is driven by collaboration, creativity, and impactful innovation.